
What if something goes wrong?

We are always looking for ways to improve our service to you. If something has gone wrong, we want to know.

Please contact us:

Phone: 0800 884 448 (provide details of the problem)

Email: [email protected] (explain what has happened and how we can resolve the issue). Attach any documents or correspondence that may help us understand your complaint.

When we receive your complaint, we will:

  1. Acknowledge your complaint within 1–2 working days.
  2. Gather and evaluate information about your complaint.
  3. Respond to you within 20 working days.

If we cannot agree on how to resolve the complaint, you may contact Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL):

FSCL is an independent, not-for-profit external dispute resolution scheme approved by the Minister of Consumer Affairs.

FSCL’s service is free and will help resolve the complaint.

You can contact FSCL:

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